Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham (309) 794-1515

Paralysis Injury Attorney

Paralysis Injury Attorney

Catastrophic injuries, like paralysis, often happen as a result of accidents in the Quad Cities. These types of injuries can make permanent changes in the victim’s lives. Not only do they lose control and/or feeling of essential parts of their body, but they will also have to learn how to live with reduced independence. In addition, the victim and their families must learn to cope with mental anguish, financial hardships, and adapting to a new way of everyday life.

If you’re searching for a Quad Cities paralysis injury attorney, you’ve come to the right place. At Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham, our paralysis lawyers have over 50 years of experience representing our clients’ varied legal interests. If you work with us, you won’t pay any fees unless we obtain a financial recovery on your behalf. So, call us today at 309-794-1515, fill out this FREE online form, or use our LiveChat feature. 

Common Spinal Cord Accidents and Injuries

Car and motorcycle accidents are among the most common cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States. Other common causes include:

Common paralysis injuries we see as a result of accidents include:

  1. Quadriplegia, where the victim loses sensation below the neck, quadriplegia is often caused by cervical spinal cord injuries, which happen in the head and neck. 
  2. Paraplegia, where the victim is paralyzed below the waist, paraplegia paralysis is typically caused by thoracic or lumbar spinal cord injuries, which occur on the upper and middle levels of the spine. Thoracic injuries will affect the upper chest and abdomen, while lumbar will affect the hips and legs.
  3. Hemiplegia is when the victim loses the use of an arm or leg on the same side of the body. This type of injury usually occurs due to a head injury or other traumatic brain injury.
  4. Monoplegia is when the victim loses the use of a single part of the body. Even though this injury may seem less severe by comparison, it can lead to a drastic change in the victim’s lifestyle as they learn to live without the use of an arm or leg.
  5. Sacral spinal cord injuries happen to the lowest part of the spine. Victims usually retain their ability to walk, but the hips, thighs, and pelvic organs are affected.

As you can imagine, every one of these injuries leads to a long physical and mental recovery. Often, a full recovery is impossible. Victims and their families now face a new way of life, mountains of medical bills, and a future of ongoing care costs. 

If this sounds like your situation, reach out to Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham. When you do, you will be able to set up a free consultation and learn if your case has the potential to win financial compensation. 

How Do Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Fight to Win Financial Compensation?

First, we will listen to the details of your case and ask you for any documentation or evidence that you have collected. Then, we will conduct our own investigation into your case. Our investigation will tell us two things:

  1. First, who may be liable for your accident (it could be one or more parties).
  2. Second, how much financial compensation you should demand from the insurance company.

We consider the pain and suffering of you and your family, current and future medical expenses, the loss of wages now and into the future, and more. This demand will be spelled out in a letter, which we will deliver to the liable party’s insurance company. You won’t have to worry about making a deal with them; rather, you will be able to focus on your recovery or helping your loved one adjust to a new way of life.

Contact the Quad Cities Personal Injury Lawyers at Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham

Call us today at cta type=”text” layout=”call” text=”309-794-1515″ num=”3097941515″], fill out this FREE online form, or use LiveChat to connect with a representative immediately. We are located in the Quad Cities area and serve:

  • Davenport
  • Bettendorf
  • Rock Island
  • Moline
  • East Moline

Our full-service law firm is available for evening and weekend appointments. We will even make home and hospital visits. So, don’t wait for a better time to seek legal representation after a paralysis injury. Instead, call Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham today.