Rock Island Rideshare Accidents Lawyer

Rideshare services, such as Lyft and Uber, are incredibly convenient. They give Rock Island locals and visitors an affordable way to get around town. While there are many reasons why you should consider using Lyft and Uber, especially if your plans involve a night of drinking at a venue like Rock Island Brewing Co, many people need to realize how complex rideshare car wrecks can be. If you’ve been injured in a crash involving a Lyft or Uber driver, then a Rock Island rideshare accidents lawyer from Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham can get you the money you deserve.

You can reach our Rock Island personal injury attorneys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (309) 794-1515. In addition to helping injury victims recover money from car accidents, our skilled and experienced legal professionals understand the intricacies of rideshare accidents and can navigate complicated claims on your behalf. Let us take care of all your legal needs so that you can focus on what matters most–your health and well-being.

Rock Island Rideshare Accidents Lawyer

Why Are Rideshare Accidents So Complicated?

Whether you’re a driver that has been hit by a rideshare car or a passenger injured while riding in a Lyft or Uber vehicle, you deserve compensation if the negligence or recklessness of another party caused the crash. In a typical car crash, getting compensation means negotiating with the at-fault party’s insurance company. That in itself can be a difficult task. Additional parties may be involved when you get into a car wreck involving a rideshare driver.

People injured in a collision involving a rideshare vehicle may have to deal with the insurance company required by the rideshare company, the at-fault driver’s insurance company, and the rideshare company itself. Generally speaking, adding more parties to a claim means that getting the money that’s rightfully yours will be more complex and take longer.

Adding to the complexity is the fact that Illinois uses comparative negligence when it comes to determining fault in car crashes. This standard can lead to situations where two or more parties are deemed responsible for your injuries but are squabbling over whether one party is 55% responsible and the other is 45% responsible. Our lawyers can help cut through the red tape and get you the money that you deserve as quickly as possible.

The Rock Island rideshare accident lawyers understand how these companies will defect blame and try to pay as little as possible. Our team has extensive experience combating the deceptive tactics used by insurance companies. When you work with Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham’s Uber accident attorneys, you can be assured of getting the highest level of legal representation to get the maximum settlement allowable by law.

Related: How to Prove Fault After a Rock Island Car Wreck

Why Do Rock Island Lyft and Uber Accidents Happen?

The causes of rideshare car crashes are the same as standard car accidents. The Rock Island injury attorneys at Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham have successfully represented rideshare car crash victims that were injured due to:

Compensation, Our Rock Island Rideshare Accidents Lawyers, Can Get You

Insurance companies often try to pressure accident injury victims into accepting settlements quickly. Insurance companies do this because many people underestimate how much their injuries really cost. The Rock Island injury lawyers understand the actual value of your injuries and will do everything possible to get you full compensation.

Our rideshare accident attorneys can help you receive money for medical expenses, ongoing treatment, physical therapy, lost wages, pain and suffering, home improvements to compensate for your injuries, and more. Our team has successfully recovered money for rideshare accident victims that have suffered from the following:

In extreme cases, our lawyers have represented families that have lost loved ones in wrongful death cases.

Contact Our Rock Island Rideshare Accidents Lawyers

The Rock Island rideshare accident attorneys at Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham are available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Give us a call today at (309) 794-1515 or connect with us online through LiveChat. Remember, consultations are free, and we do not charge any legal fees unless money has been won on your behalf.

In addition to offering impeccable legal services, our attorneys take great pride in providing unmatched customer service. This is why Winstein, Kavensky & Cunningham has become one of the most trusted law firms throughout Bettendorf, Davenport, and Moline. Call us today and take the first step towards the settlement you deserve for your Rock Island rideshare accident.